Be Basque Talent Network



Here you can find information about Basque organizations that are currently members of the BeBasqueTalentNetwork, meaning that they work with Bizkaia Talent to attract, retain and involve highly-qualified professionals to and in the Basque Country. Classified by organization type, you can find by sector those companies that work in your field of knowledge. To be able to get in touch with them, via the Talent Map, you need to register with the network.



Colaboro con las empresas en la definición de necesidades e identificación, búsqueda, atracción y captación de profesionales. Intento, igualmente, detectar nuevos proyectos para el desarrollo profesional de las personas.


Head office
Donostia, Basque Country

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La historia de Kaizen Institute comenzó a mediados de los años 80. Tenemos la historia más larga en consultoría y formación en organizaciones en todo el mundo, específicamente en los campos de KAIZEN™, Lean Management y Mejora Continua.

Hay 5 Principios Fundamentales KAIZEN™ que están integrados en cada herramienta KAIZEN™ y en cada comportamiento KAIZEN™. Los 5 principios son: Conozca a su Cliente, Cree Flujo, Vaya al Gemba, Capacite a las Personas y Sea Transparente. La implementación de esos 5 principios en cualquier organización es fundamentalmente importante para una cultura exitosa de Mejora Continua y para marcar un punto de inflexión en la progresión de la calidad, la productividad y las relaciones laborales.

La Vida en Kaizen Institute Spain
Oportunidades: Entrarás a formar parte de un equipo de consultoría de alto rendimiento, trabajarás codo con codo con otros consultores del equipo, así como con los equipos internos del cliente. Podrás trabajar en empresas líderes en diferentes campos, ganarás experiencia en múltiples sectores como industria de ensamblaje, industria de proceso, logística, hospitales, empresas de servicios, banca, retail y muchos más.

Tu plan de carrera: Desde el momento que entres en Kaizen Institute, se te asignará un tutor de carrera. Este tutor te acompañará en tu evolución dentro de la compañía, ayudándote en la mejora de tus capacidades técnicas, así como tus competencias de gestión y soft skills. No existen límites a tu crecimiento en la organización y tu tutor te ayudará a alcanzar los objetivos que te permitirán evolucionar.

Programa Internacional: Si tienes especial interés en vivir una experiencia de trabajo internacional, que te permita crecer como persona y como profesional, conociendo entornos socioculturales totalmente distintos, en KAIZEN™ Institute te podemos dar esa oportunidad. Gracias a ser una compañía global, existe un plan de carrera internacional que te permitirá realizar proyectos en diferentes paises.


Head office

Bilbao, Basque Country

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Kapsch TrafficCom

Kapsch TrafficCom

Kapsch TrafficCom es un proveedor de sistemas de transporte inteligente aplicados a las áreas de cobro de peaje, gestión del tráfico, movilidad inteligente urbana, seguridad y protección del tráfico y coche conectado. Como proveedor único de soluciones, Kapsch TrafficCom ofrece soluciones completas que cubren la totalidad de la cadena de valor de sus clientes, desde los componentes y el diseño, hasta la implementación y puesta en marcha de los sistemas. Además de reducir la contaminación, las soluciones de movilidad de Kapsch TrafficCom hacen que el tráfico sea más seguro, fiable, eficiente y cómodo en cualquier vía urbana o autopista. Kapsch Group se esfuerza por conseguir el liderazgo mundial en cuanto a calidad e innovación y, por ello, invierte anualmente un 10 % de sus ingresos totales en investigación y desarrollo.

¿Por qué trabajar para Kapsch TrafficCom?
- Operamos en una de las industrias actuales más dinámicas y de rápido crecimiento.
- Desarrollamos productos y servicios de ingeniería de vanguardia en tecnologías en nuestra industria.
- Creemos en la innovación.
- Somos una empresa internacional con raíces europeas.
- Nos esforzamos por crear un ambiente de trabajo propicio para el crecimiento personal, la satisfacción y el logro.
- Tenemos una cultura corporativa única y una tradición familiar desde 1892.
- Trabajamos de acuerdo con nuestros valores corporativos: Respeto, Responsabilidad, Dinamismo, Libertad, Transparencia,
- Disciplina y Familia.


Head office
Bilbao, Bizkaia, Basque Country

Madrid, Barcelona, etc. , Spain

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Desarrollamos y explotamos complejos de co-living en formato vacacional, juvenil, urbano y senior con la finalidad de dar un producto y servicio excelentes para conseguir la mejor rentabilidad.

Todo se basa en el know-how y la oportunidad. Identificamos oportunidades de compra, desarrollamos conceptos y creamos vehículos que canalizan la inversión para poder hacerlos realidad y generar valor para los inversores.

Y la primera razón por la que nuestra prioridad es optimizar la rentabilidad de los activos, es que nosotros somos el principal inversor. Nuestro enfoque es integrarnos en clubs de inversores con perfil similar para poder desarrollar objetivos conjuntos y diversificar el portfolio. Por eso nuestro afán por sacar lo mejor de nuestro entorno consiste en que, el interés de los que nos acompañan, es el nuestro propio.


Head office
Bilbo, Basque Country

Budapest, Hungary

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Kendu Visual Communication Solutions for Retail

Kendu Visual Communication Solutions for Retail

KENDU IN-STORE VISUAL SOLUTIONS cuenta con más de 18 años de experiencia ofreciendo SOLUCIONES DE COMUNICACIÓN VISUAL PERSONALIZADAS PARA EL SECTOR RETAIL. En Kendu, diseñamos, gestionamos y fabricamos todas nuestras soluciones en nuestras propias plantas de fabricación, de forma que garantizamos la más alta calidad y servicio a nuestros clientes. Nuestros servicios 360º incluyen servicios de diseño, propuestas creativas, producción de displays y cajas de luz LED, impresión de gran formato y envíos internacionales.


Head office
SAN SEBASTIÁN, Gipuzkoa, Basque Country

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Kernet es una consultoría e ingeniería de soluciones tecnológicas nacida en el año 2001 que dedica su actividad desde hace 22 años al desarrollo de soluciones que permitan optimizar procesos en la gestión empresarial.

Provee soluciones tecnológicas integrales y especializadas para empresas, abarcando todo el proceso desde la consultoría inicial y la integración, al desarrollo, implementación de servicios, mantenimiento y soporte postventa.

En este sentido, la empresa plani?ca, diseña y desarrolla herramientas aplicables a todos los procesos empresariales.

Kernet se ocupa de que el proceso de adaptación a las Nuevas Tecnologías se lleve a cabo con las máximas garantías, desde la fase de elaboración del proyecto hasta su desarrollo y posterior mantenimiento.

De esta forma queda asegurado que la solución propuesta al cliente sea siempre la idónea.

KERNET a lo largo de los últimos 20 años mantiene un equipo de trabajo de unas 30 personas.

Un equipo multidisciplinar que permite a KERNET abarcar los siguientes campos tecnológicos:

• Área de Factoría de Software
o Desarrollo de Software a medida
o Desarrollos Web
o Desarrollos en movilidad
o Despliegue de soluciones de software libre
o Despliegue de soluciones propias
• Área de Sistemas y soporte
• Área de Consultoría y Mentoring
• Área de I+D+I


Head office

Bilbao, Spain

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¿Quiénes somos?
- Somos la empresa de consultoría de negocio del Grupo Teknei. Nuestros servicios están orientados a ayudar a los clientes en la toma de decisiones de negocio a nivel de dirección general.
- El Grupo Teknei es una agrupación de empresas del sector de las tecnologías de la información. Está formado por Teknei (servicios integrales y soluciones de tecnología), Datua (especializada en dato), Merkatu (servicios de Digital Business) y KeyTek.
- Contamos con un equipo con gran experiencia en el campo de la consultoría de negocio, con trayectoria de más de 20 años de experiencia en el sector.

¿Qué hacemos en KeyTek?
- Desarrollamos proyectos y prestamos servicios para el Departamento de Seguridad del Gobierno Vasco, para Lanbide, y para Osakidetza, entre otros; también para PyMEs industriales, empresa del sector Retail, etc.
- Colaboramos con las áreas especializadas en tecnología de Teknei (Business Automation, Identidad Distribuida, Visión, CRM, ERP, Ciberseguridad, AI & Big Data, etc.).
- Apoyamos los procesos de desarrollo corporativo del grupo.


Head office
Bilbao, Basque Country

Bilbao, Spain

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Nosotros también hemos sufrido la falta de talento IT, ahora venimos a ayudarte!
Nuestro nombre representa un compromiso sólido de crear lazos que trascienden, valorando el tiempo, la atención y la profundidad de las interacciones entre individuos.
Una conexión auténtica y genuina, una conexión consciente entre personas, permite ver el mundo desde la perspectiva del otro, no desde la tuya, y así avanzar juntos en un camino de crecimiento.

Marketing no longer exists in a single channel. We build the 360° customer view and create customized marketing solutions and touchpoint technologies.

We collect, analyze and transform data into assets for our Clients who acquire 100% data ownership and generate measurable economic benefit.


Head office
Bilbao, Basque Country

Bilbao, Basque Country
Barcelona, Spain

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Ideamos diferentes propuestas y actividades para vivir de una forma global el mundo de la música. Todas esas actividades que forman Konpartitu se desarrollan principalmente en tres ejes que hemos denominado Konpartitu en vivo, Konpartitu Experiencias y Konpartitu Magazine.
Konpartitu Magazine
La música nos toca de diferentes maneras porque hay muchas formas de expresarse musicalmente: existen tantas personas como sensibilidades y tenemos distintas maneras de escuchar música según el día que tengamos. Nuestro humor varía y, también, nuestro nivel de atención.
Además, tenemos estilos diferentes para hablar sobre música. En Konpartitu creemos que ninguna es excluyente.
Konpartitu Experiencias
Konpartitu experiencias son todas esas actividades dispuestas para vivir la música desde todos sus puntos de vista: cursos, talleres, visitas a museos, viajes…
Konpartitu desde el sofá
Konpartitu desde el sofá agrupa todas las actividades que podrás disfrutar en nuestra sede en Bilbao, un espacio cercano, cómodo, de pequeño formato donde se consigue crear la atmósfera propicia para el aprendizaje y el disfrute, en la que desaparecen las diferencias entre maestro y alumno, conferenciante y público.
Bajo este concepto, Konpartitu ofrece cursos, conferencias, presentaciones de libros y los momentos especiales para nuestros socios: el Club de Lectura, dinamizado por Patricia Sojo a partir de libros sobre música de la editorial Acantilado, y las Soirées, veladas para el encuentro, acompañadas de buena música y gastronomía.
Konpartitu viajes
Konpartitu organiza cada temporada viajes musicales por Europa y a distintos auditorios o festivales de España con la intención de aprender y relacionarnos con amantes de la música de otros países, de otras culturas.
Konpartitu en vivo
Konpartitu en vivo es nuestra propuesta para vivir la música en directo. Aquí podrás disfrutar tanto de conciertos y sesiones organizados por nosotros como de actividades y propuestas que nos parecen interesantes.


Head office
Bilbao, Bizkaia, Basque Country

Bilbao, Spain

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Creamos, desde la ingeniería, mejor arquitectura e industria, mejores infraestructuras y espacios, para que tengan un impacto positivo en las personas, su entorno, y en el futuro que compartimos. Un futuro que queremos crear, con ingenio y creatividad, a través de nuestras 5 áreas de actividad (Arquitectura, Industria, Ciudad y territorio, Construcción y Promoción) que nos ayudan a ofrecer tanto soluciones integrales como específicas para los retos de nuestros clientes.

Un futuro posible gracias a la unión del talento de nuestros clientes con el de nuestro equipo (300 personas) y el de nuestros compañeros de viaje: tecnólogos y centros de investigación, escuelas y universidades. Porque sabemos que sólo juntos creamos el camino.

Un futuro al que damos forma porque nos atrevemos a cambiar las cosas, a crear de otra manera, a crear con K. Crear con K significa responder con creatividad y compromiso a cada reto, hacer realidad cualquier idea y actuar con responsabilidad. Crear con K es transformar, desde la ingeniería más avanzada, los desafíos de nuestros clientes en soluciones reales y tangibles.

Es compartir futuro para ser mejores.


Head office
Arrasate-Mondragón, Basque Country

Mondragón, Basque Country

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Pertsonei eta erakundeei ikuspegi sistemiko batetik laguntzen dien erakunde bat sortzen dugu.
Aldaketa kulturalak martxan jarri nahi dituzten erakunde pribatuentzat eta publikoentzat lan egiten dugu. Kulturatik eta bere balioetatik abiatuta egiten dugu, metodologia sortzaile eta berritzaileen bidez.
Gizartearen balioak dira gainerako guztia eraikitzeko oinarria, eta horiek adierazteko modua haren kultura da. Kultura gure izatearen parte da, eta gure bizimoduak taxutzen ditu: balioak, sinesmenak, sinesmenak, giza adierazkortasuna eta sortzeko gaitasuna hartzen ditu.
Oinarri horiekin eraldaketak eta aldaketak sustatzen ditugun prozesuak eraikitzen ditugu, pertsonentzako eta erakundeentzako bilakaera- eta garapen-elementu gisa.


Head office
Amorebieta-Etxano, Spain

Amorebieta-Etxano, Spain

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Conceive, create, promote and implant software intended to optimize the manufacturing of metal parts. As a Center of Excellence in Software, we develop manufacturing systems that make the Smart Factory a reality to optimize the sheet metal production with any cutting machine.


Head office
Bilbao, Spain

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Queremos crecer contigo. Impulsa tu carrera profesional y descubre todas las posibilidades de aprendizaje, formación y desarrollo que tendrás al incorporarte a Kutxabank, uno de los grupos bancarios más sólidos del sistema financiero

En Kutxabank buscamos profesionales de la banca del futuro, comprometidos con los clientes, la tecnología y el entorno, capaces de ofrecer soluciones transparentes para maximizar el impacto positivo de nuestra actividad en el ámbito económico, social y ambiental.

Si tienes experiencia previa o has terminado tus estudios recientemente y tienes inquietud por el mundo de la banca, este es tu sitio. No importa de dónde vengas, te brindaremos la formación necesaria para potenciar tu desarrollo profesional en uno de los entornos más dinámicos y cambiantes. Por ello, en Kutxabank tendrás oportunidades de enriquecimiento y aprendizaje que te permitirán alcanzar tus objetivos personales y profesionales. Queremos que llegues muy lejos.
Buscamos personas motivadas, que les ilusione participar en el proceso de transformación y crecimiento de una entidad líder como Kutxabank.
Tituladas en ADE o Economía, Derecho, Matemáticas, Ingeniería, Física, Estadística, .
Este puede ser tu primer gran paso para desarrollar tu carrera y tu futuro en Kutxabank.


Head office
Bilbao, Basque Country

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Laboral Kutxa

Laboral Kutxa

En LABORAL Kutxa, no solo creemos que hay otra forma de hacer banca, sino que es esta forma de pensar la que marca cada una de las decisiones que tomamos diariamente.
Una forma de hacer que nace de lo que somos, pero también de saber que nuestros clientes viven, trabajan, emprenden, crean o ven la vida… de otra forma.

En LABORAL Kutxa, encontrarás una forma de hacer única, personal y nuestra. Que se basa en una relación con nuestros clientes, marcada por la transparencia y la confianza, y en un trato cercano y personalizado.

Una entidad que mira al futuro, innovadora. Comprometida con el progreso colectivo desde lo económico hasta lo social. Una entidad diferente que cree que siempre hay otra forma.


Head office
Mondragon, Basque Country

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Laida Jauregi

Laida Jauregi


Head office
Aduna, Basque Country

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Lanbide-Servicio Vasco de Empleo

Lanbide-Servicio Vasco de Empleo

Es el Servicio Vasco de Empleo que pone a disposición de la ciudadanía el Gobierno Vasco para acompañarla y orientarla en el proceso de búsqueda de empleo. Ofrece un Plan Integral y personalizado a cada demandante de empleo. Integral porque acompañamos a cada persona durante todo el proceso de búsqueda de empleo asesorándole, orientándole, asistiéndole, con diferentes acciones de formación y apoyándole para la creación de su propia empresa y, Personalizado porque se diseñan planes individuales adecuados a cada perfil profesional.


Head office
Vitoria-Gasteiz, Araba, Basque Country

Donostia/San Sebastian, Bilbao, Spain

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ACICAE - Cluster de la Automoción

ACICAE - Cluster de la Automoción

ACICAE is a Cluster whose mission is to boost the Basque automotive sector, enabling cooperation among Basque companies to answer, together, to the major challenges the sector presents. It is considered to be the first Automotive Cluster set up in Europe.

Since its establishment in 1993 it has rapidly evolved, contributing to make the Basque automotive sector's turnover multiply by six in the last 25 years, exceeding 18,3 billion € and 85.000 employees worldwide


Head office
Amorebieta-Etxano, Basque Country

Boroa, Basque Country

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We are the Basque Autonomous Community's cluster association that brings together companies in the Eco-industry sector; we are working together to address the current difficult times by improving competitiveness and innovation in products and services designed to achieve more efficient management of "green and cleantech" resources on the national as well as international market.

We Work To:

- To strengthen the sector: to reinforce the orientation towards the members as the benchmarks in the Basque Cleantech and Environmental Sector.
- Institutional relations: to position and defend the members at home and abroad through a policy of alliances designed to offer institutional support.
- To foster innovation in the products and services of its members.
- To foster a favourable framework for the internationalisation of companies.


Head office
Bilbao, Bizkaia, Basque Country

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AFM Advanced Manufacturing Technologies

AFM Advanced Manufacturing Technologies

AFM, Advanced Manufacturing Technologies, the Spanish Associations of manufacturers of machine tools, accesories, parts and tools, represents 90% of machine tool and advanced manufacturing technology companies in Spain.

AFM works to promote internationalisation and, through its INVEMA (Foundation for Machine Tool Research) technology unit, the technological innovation of its member companies.

AFM, Advanced Manufacturing Technologies, is a member of both CECIMO and ECTA, the European associations of machine tool and cutting tool manufacturers.


Spain is the European Union's third most important producer and exporter of machine tools, and is ranked ninth in the world.

This position has been achieved thanks to the commitment of manufacturers of machine tools, accessories, parts and tools to technological innovation, internationalisation and personal development.

For example, by exporting an average of over 80% of the industry's production to international markets and investing approximately 5% of turnover in Research, Development and Innovation.


Head office
Donostia - San Sebastián, Gipuzkoa, Basque Country

Tianjin, China

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Basque Health Cluster

Basque Health Cluster

Basque Health Cluster is a non-profit association whose objective is to coordinate, represent, manage, promote and defend the common interests of the associated companies. The purpose is to contribute to the development and growth of its associates and the health and biosciences sector in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country.
This association is committed to supporting its members in four fundamental areas: Collaboration, Internationalization, Innovation and attraction of specialized financing in the sector.The Basque Health Cluster carries out activities aimed at its members and other agents of the bio-health ecosystem. Among these activities we promote our members internationally through fairs, missions, and cross-border events with other clusters. We offer working groups in different areas, training sessions and presentations by businesses and investors. We organize events for business networking and open innovation forums to generate future collaborations among our members, external companies and other agents, which include research centers and public administrations.


Head office
Derio, Basque Country

Derio (Bizkaia), Spain

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GAIA is the Association of Electronic and Information Technologies in the Basque Country, a private and professional non-profit organisation, established in 1983, currently made up of 260 companies that offer products and services in the field of electronics, information technology and telecommunications.

GAIA's mission is to boost the develop and growth in the Electronics-IT and Telecommunications sector, and to favour the assimilation and efficient usage of the sector's technologies, with the aim of collaborating in the development of the Information and Knowledge Society.


The Electronics, IT and Telecommunications sector in the Basque Country is one of the most important concentrations of industrial developments in the this sector in Spain.

The tradition of manufacturers and entrepreneurs in the region, the excellent training and research infrastructures, the high sensitivity and commitment of public administrations and the existence of GAIA as an association that boosts and coordinates joint, technological and commercial activities are all at the core of our ongoing growth in our sector and its positioning as an outstanding European reference with a vocation.


The member companies of GAIA are always creating employment for highly qualified professionals. Because of the prospects for the future and the forecast for the demand for ICT professionals in the next years, the Association is launching new innovative training programmes that provide a chance for future hiring of professionals in the sector.


Head office
Donostia-San Sebastián, Gipuzkoa, Basque Country

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HEGAN is a private, non-profit association that groups together the Basque Aeronautics and Space sector, created with the aim of fostering, promoting and stimulating the same. As a Cluster Association, its aim is to represent and promote this sector to ensure its competitiveness in short, medium and long-term through co-operation and innovation among companies and other agents, as a response to its strategic challenges in cooperation.


Head office
Zamudio, Bizkaia, Basque Country

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DigiPen Bilbao

DigiPen Bilbao

DigiPen Institute of Technology is a pioneer in game education committed to providing an exemplary education and furthering research in digital media and interactive computer technologies.

We work with clients from a wide range of industries, building tailored technology applications both internal and consumer-facing that are as narrow or as open-ended as they need to be. From data visualization tools that help businesses leverage resources to interactive consumer products for expanding market reach, our solutions empower clients to meet their goals and overcome challenges. As a versatile team of designers and engineers, we draw from a large, flexible set of tools. Our passion is in building powerful, elegant software that combines technical excellence with ease of use.


Head office
Bilbao, Basque Country

Redmond, United States of America
Singapore, Singapore

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Euskal Herriko Unibersitatea UPV/EHU

Euskal Herriko Unibersitatea UPV/EHU


Head office
Leioa, Basque Country

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea

Mondragon Unibertsitatea

En Mondragon Unibertsitatea mantenemos un compromiso de transformación social, concretado en nuestro modelo participativo.

Somos una universidad cooperativa, miembro de la Corporación MONDRAGON, con una clara vocación humanista y comprometida con nuestro entorno, con nuestra sociedad y con nuestro tiempo.

Nuestro modelo formativo implica un sistema de relaciones que, teniendo como ejhe el sistema educativo, busca la implicación de empresas e instituciones para garantizar la accesibilidad social, compaginar el estudio y el trabajo, el desarrollo de la investigación y la tranferencia de conocimiento y la prestación de Formación Continua.


Head office
Arrasate-Mondragon, Basque Country

Zaragoza, Spain
Arrasate-Mondragon, Basque Country
Querétaro, Mexico
Shanghai, China
Pune, India

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea - Faculty of Engineering

Mondragon Unibertsitatea - Faculty of Engineering

We are the Faculty of Engineering of Mondragon Unibertsitatea, a non-profit cooperative university of social vocation and public interest open to the whole of society and focused on the needs of businesses, institutions and organizations.

We offer 9 Undergraduate Degrees, 5 Masters Degrees and a Doctoral Programme in engineering as well as several training programmes for professionals, including Professional Masters (non-EHEA Degrees), certificated courses, diploma courses and on-demand in-company courses.

Mondragon Unibertsitatea has developed an educational model called "Mendeberri", which aims to generate in students the values and attitudes that enable them to successfully develop their professional career, and to become active subjects in the progressive transformation of society. As a result of this learning process, students develop the ability to make decisions driven by their own initiative, and to find and set out on their own path. By working on soft skills, students are not limited to developing technical skills; in addition to the knowledge, they will learn how to do, to act and to be. They will acquire skills such as effective communication, commitment and leadership, amongst others.

Mondragon Unibertsitatea also develops a collaborative research model based on aligning research (from oriented basic research to innovation) in collaboration with three key agents: universities, innovation and technology centres and companies, the latter through their R&D&i units. The objective of this knowledge generation and transfer-oriented research model is to improve the competitive position of businesses and organizations contributing to the development of their products, processes or services.


Head office
Arrasate-Mondragon, Basque Country

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Universidad de Deusto

Universidad de Deusto

Beyond individual projects and research which is co-ordinated from chairs such as Law and the Human Genome, Leisure and Disabilities, there is a clear option for the social topics of interdependency, distribution of resources, migration, human rights, development, poverty and environment, ethics and society at the university. Studies on cultural identity (individual and collective), and European integration processes are being carried out by various international research groups.

The University of Deusto is striving for internationalisation, without excluding other regions, and demonstrates a clear commitment to Europe and Latin America, having signed agreements with more than 200 universities.

Approximately 1,300 students and 50 professors take part in mobility programmes. The faculties, institutes and schools are also involved in intensive programmes, European modules and joint curricular designs at various levels, as they participate in cross-border activities, integrated languages, ODL and Leonardo programmes. The entire University adopted the European credit system in 1994, and works to promote it and improve its quality. Deusto was the first European university to extend the European credits to all its faculties.

Basque Institute of Competitiveness: Orkestra.

Formed in 2006, the Orkestra team promotes transformative research. This type of research is defined by analysis, reflection, evaluation and the proposal of actions, in a permanent form, aimed at providing innovative answers for the resolution of the challenges considered, while research knowledge is acquired.

To this end Orkestra, who since its beginnings has been an example of success in public-private cooperation, works with a large number of networks, businesses, governments and institutions on numerous projects. In this way, aside from being an agent of change to drive competitiveness in the Basque Country, it has become today an international model in the analysis of regional competitiveness in a global environment.

"Se trata de dotar a los alumnos de valores que están por encima de lo que se gana con dinero, la fama y el éxito y de formar líderes preocupados por la sociedad y el mundo, deseosos de acabar con el hambre y los enfrentamientos en el mundo? Peter H. Kolvenbach, 1989


Head office
Bilbao, Bizkaia, Spain

Donostia, Bilbo, Basque Country
Madrid, Spain

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The UPV/EHU, founded in 1980, is a public research university which sets out to create knowledge and convey it to society amid an intense process of globalisation, which is compatible with close links to Basque culture. Its goals are magnificently symbolised in the logo devised by the great artist Eduardo Chillida.

The University of the Basque Country also constitutes a space in which to produce new ideas, debate and contrasting opinions, on the basis of a solid ethical and social commitment, through the defence of human rights, gender equality, multiculturalism and the co-existence of different peoples, to the benefit of society and future
generations. The University of the Basque Country has been a decisive factor in boosting the role of Basque as a language of thought and a vehicle for scientific production.

The Shanghai ranking puts it among the world’s 400 best universities.

The Times Higher Education ranking puts it among the 200 best universities in the world less than 50 years old.
Cross-border campus with the university of Bordeaux, one of the eurozone’s leading benchmarks.

International Excellence Campus, according to the Spanish Ministry of Education

Over 100 undergraduate courses in all areas of knowledge.
Our range of undergraduate courses is one of the world’s most varied and comprehensive: over 100
courses, from Medicine to Automotive Engineering; from Mathematics to Creation and Design; from Philosophy to Business Administration and Management, and also Law … with the bonus of offering these courses in three languages.
Over 100 master’s courses.
A master’s course in Environment and Marine Resources? In Computation? In Biomedical Engineering? In Technology, Learning and Education?
At the UPV/EHU you will find all these options, and 100 more besides. Postgraduate courses not only boost employability, but also delve deeper into a given area of knowledge and improve professional and intellectual qualifications.
And 66 doctoral programmes


Head office
Leioa, Basque Country

Bilbao, Basque Country

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We are shareholders of the state’s most solvent bank, Kutxabank.

We diversify revenue in a bid to stabilise and guarantee the future of our Social.

People enhance us. We carry out the state’s largest per capita social project.


Head office

Bilbao, Spain

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Bilbao Ekintza

Bilbao Ekintza

Bilbao Ekintza, municipal entity for the improvement of economic and social wealth for Bilbao, promotes the city as an attractive destination for investment. Through Invest in Bilbao, the inward investment office from the city of Bilbao, works on the promotionof new thriving spaces within the city, and supports and provides free tailor-made services for companies, entrepeneurs & investors.


Head office
48001 Bilbao, Bizkaia, Spain

Bilbao, Basque Country

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Achucarro Basque Center for Neuroscience

Achucarro Basque Center for Neuroscience

The main strategic objective of Achucarro is to contribute to the development of a socially and economically sustainable Society. To do this we strive to perform world-class research in the study of neuron-glia biology in the normal and pathological brain. This research focus will allow us to contribute to the training of future generations of neuroscientists and be an active partner in the dissemination of the human knowledge about the brain.

Achucarro focuses its research on the brain function in physiology and pathophysiology, with a particular emphasis on:
* In-depth understanding of the organisation and information processing in neural circuitries;
* Identification of genetic and molecular backgrounds of neural circuits during development and ageing;
* Characterisation of genetic, molecular and cellular mechanisms of neurodegenerative and autoimmune-mediated brain diseases; and
* Translational research aimed at the development of new strategies for the treatment of brain diseases.


Head office
Leioa, Bizkaia, Basque Country

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Discover AZTI

Do you want an innovative job working on multi-disciplinary projects within a global and international context? Do you want to generate new knowledge, products and services that have value for the market? Do you want to provide our clients with innovative, practical and smart solutions? Are you ambitious, driven and pro-active? Are you a free thinker and enterprising? We are seeking professionals who are able to connect with our clients and create work teams that search for new challenges. If you feel identified with our challenges, then AZTI is in your future.

What do we offer?

AZTI offers the chance of developing your dreams through top-level research carried out by professionals who are able to generate knowledge with a significant scientific character and excellence and a clear market focus. We offer a unique professional experience in which you will participate in an excellent scientific and technological organisation, close to the markets and the needs of the food industry and maritime activities that is dynamic and a true leader and innovator in its areas of expertise. We translate our clients' needs into business opportunities, generating and providing value to our clients.

Your development

AZTI is a knowledge organisation, i.e., it places great value on your personal and professional development. From the moment you become a part of the organisation we will focus our attention on your professional development and growth. Likewise, you will feel quickly integrated thanks to our welcome, accompaniment and training programme.

Your future colleagues

The people at AZTI are our main asset to achieve the goals that we have set. AZTI is committed to the people in the organisation and to the growth of the human team, which is a reflection of our strength. In 10 years, we have doubled our staff from 160 people in 2005 to 249 people in 2014.


Head office
Sukarrieta, Spain

Bilbao, Basque Country

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Basque Centre for Biophysics

Basque Centre for Biophysics

The strategic objectives of BIOFISIKA are well aligned with the principles of the PCTi-2015 and the Basque Science Policies. They are in accordance with the six aims:

Generation of knowledge. BIOFISIKA will primarily promote and support frontier knowledge that contributes to solve societal challenges and promotes innovative actions.
Advance to a knowledge economy. BIOFISIKA will emphasize the need of translational science and the transfer of technology for the exploitation of the generated knowledge. In addition, by creating Technological Platforms, will potentiate its strategic position as an economic stakeholder by contributing to provide the needed innovation.
To design an integrative governance system oriented to results. BIOFISIKA is aware that research Centre must deliver and that their performance must be objectively evaluated by results-oriented indicators, and will implement this policy as a long term objective, giving time to its research teams to accommodate with this vision.
Valorise the R&D capacities. BIOFISIKA believes that knowledge is an valuable asset and will capitalize it as a central capacity of its R&D program.
Market-oriented focus. BIOFISIKA aims to set the bases for exploiting the generated technology through the implementation of technological platforms with a clear market orientation.
Public-private collaborations to maximize the R&D investment. BIOFISIKA will strengthen the collaborations with private partners with the aim of funnelling the technology transfer. This is essential for ensuring the exploitation of the generated frontier knowledge.
Taken together, BIOFISIKA ambitions to become a reference Centre on translational biophysics that is unquestionably sensitive to societal needs, and is actively involved in investigating these challenges and transferring innovative solutions that contribute to solve them.


Head office
Leioa, Basque Country

Bilbao, Spain

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The Basque Culinary Center is a pioneering academic institution worldwide, created by seven of the top Basque chefs along with Mondragon University, and with the involvement of eleven of the most influential chefs in the world.

At the Basque Culinary Center our main aim is higher education, research, innovation and promotion of gastronomy and nutrition.
Since its creation, in September 2011, we have worked to become the international benchmark in this field and also to promote gastronomy as a lever of social-economic development through the Faculty of Gastronomic Sciences and the Centre for Research and Innovation. We also develop many different promotional activities.


Head office
Donostia-San Sebastián, Basque Country

Donostia, Basque Country

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BC3 Basque Centre for Climate Change

BC3 Basque Centre for Climate Change

We are a research centre on the causes and consequences of climate change. Led by one of the most recognized scientists in the Climate Change field -Prof. Maria José Sanz, we produce multidisciplinary knowledge to support decision making towards sustainable development at the international level.
With a multidisciplinary team, connected to the main scientific institutions, networks and socio-economic agents, for a decade, our contribution to research of climate change and to the science-policy interface puts us in a unique position to offer knowledge, tools, new methodologies and cross-cutting proposals, that we lead towards action in a collaborative framework with stakeholders, to design and help implement policies aimed at sustainable development.
This vision and mission requires a seamless path from collecting evidence and expert judgements, through research that investigates and compares assumptions and results of different models, to the implementation and testing of integrated solutions. With emphasis on the multiple facets of the climate change problem, paired with its leadership position in state-of-the-art integrative modeling methodologies, BC3 has the potential to address and consolidate its position as a world leader in supporting the significant parts of the lifecycle of transdisciplinary climate change research. In the coming four years (2018-2021), BC3 will further develop this strategic mission, emphasizing the bridging of scales and scientific languages to support policy- and decision-making in environmentally sustainable, economically efficient and socially equitable ways. In order to do so, the centre will continue to engage with highly recognized scientific teams and research institutions at global, national and regional levels with an increased emphasis on effectively conveying policy messages to public and private decision makers.


Head office
Leioa, Basque Country

Leioa, Spain

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The Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, BCAM, is a world-class research center in the field of Applied Mathematics located in Bilbao (Spain). Its main goal is promoting scientific and technological advances worldwide through the interdisciplinary research in Mathematics, and the training and attracting of talented scientists.

Embedded in a multicultural environment, with more than 90 people from over 25 nationalities working at the center, BCAM is a young center that provides the right atmosphere for research and promotes the creation of hard-working international and interdisciplinary teams.


Head office
Bilbao, Basque Country

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Mission: Provide a platform for researchers and professionals from related areas to carry out frontline research, development and innovation in this area.

The specific aim of our research activity is to unravel the neurocognitive mechanisms involved in the acquisition, comprehension and production of language, with special emphasis on bilingualism and multilingualism.

Some of the areas we study include the processes involved in normal child language acquisition and second language learning in adults, as well as learning disorders, language disorders, language-related effects of aging and neurodegeneration and language use in different social contexts.


Head office
Donostia - San Sebastián, Basque Country

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BCMaterials is an autonomous research center that covers all aspects of research in Functional Materials with advanced Electric, Magnetic and Optical properties; from basic aspects to applications. Special activity is devoted to thin films materials and characterization techniques involving Large International Facilities, like neutron and synchrotron radiation sources.

BCMaterials was launched in June 2012 by Ikerbasque, the Basque Foundation for Science and the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) as a research center for Materials, Applications and Nanostructures. The center is included in the BERCs (Basque excellence Research Centers) network.


Head office
Derio, Basque Country

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Biocruces Bizkaia Health Research Institute

Biocruces Bizkaia Health Research Institute

Biocruces Bizkaia Health Research Institute is a scientific institution created by the Department of Health of the Basque Government, the Basque Health Service (Osakidetza), The University of the Basque Country, and the Basque Foundation for Innovation and Research (BIOEF).

This institute is a key element in the strategy of the Government of the Basque Country for consolidating the biomedical sector in the region, and is a first class scientific instrument for improving the quality of the health and life expectancy of the population.

The mission of BioCruces is to promote, bring together and support its research groups enabling them to undertake high-quality translational research and promoting effective innovation and collaboration with other organisations, in order to provide new tools, practices and knowledge to contribute to enhancing healthcare, population health, wealth creation an economic development.

Research areas:

Primary Health Care, Prevention and Chronic Diseases
Endocrinology, Metabolism, Nutrition and Renal Diseases
Autoimmune, Inflammatory and Infectious Diseases
Nervous System Diseases
Innovation in Surgery, Transplantation and Health Technologies
Maternal Child Healthcare and Assisted Reproduction


Head office
Barakaldo, Basque Country

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CEIT promotes excellence in applied research by publishing non-confidential results, disseminating scientific and technical knowledge in a variety of venues, and training doctoral students within the framework of industrial research projects.

CEIT-IK4 seeks regular collaboration with companies in a range of sectors (railway, aeronautical, automotive, health, manufacturing, energy and environment) and strives to understand all aspects of our clients' business in order to develop high value added solutions through applied investigation projects. In addition to offering innovative solutions to our clients, CEIT-IK4 trains young researchers who are preparing to join the labour market and add value to the production system.

CEIT-IK4 shares with the University of Navarra a commitment to research and teaching, inspired by the values of Christian humanism.

We are driven by our passion for research and our passion to advance the application of knowledge through our projects. Our commitment to excellence helps us build the future day by day.


Head office
Donostia-San Sebastián, Basque Country

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